Introducing Race Condition, A Problem for Multi-Threaded and Async Application

Race Condition


In modern software development, especially in multi-threaded or asynchronous environments, developers often face a subtle yet critical issue known as a race condition. This problem arises when multiple operations execute concurrently and access shared resources, leading to unpredictable behavior.

In Node.js and TypeScript, despite JavaScript's single-threaded nature, race conditions can still occur due to asynchronous operations, such as Promises, callbacks, and event loops. Understanding and mitigating race conditions is crucial for building reliable applications.

Key Points About Race Conditions

Race Condition Chart Flow

  • A race condition happens when multiple asynchronous operations execute in an uncontrolled order, leading to unexpected results.
  • It typically occurs when two or more processes read or modify the same shared resource simultaneously.
  • In Node.js, this problem arises in scenarios such as:
    • Concurrent database writes
    • File system operations
    • Asynchronous API calls
    • Shared in-memory state modification (e.g., global variables, caches)

Effects of Race Conditions

Race conditions can cause:

  1. Data Corruption - Incorrect or inconsistent data due to simultaneous writes.
  2. Unexpected Behavior - Applications behaving unpredictably under high load.
  3. Security Vulnerabilities - Attackers exploiting race conditions to manipulate data (e.g., double spending in financial apps).
  4. System Crashes - Unhandled concurrency issues leading to fatal errors.

Real-World Example of Race Condition in Node.js

Scenario: Concurrent Account Withdrawal

Imagine a banking system where users can withdraw money from their account. Here’s a naive implementation:

let balance = 1000; // Shared resource

async function withdraw(amount: number) {
    if (balance >= amount) {
        console.log(`Processing withdrawal of $${amount}`);
        await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 1000)); // Simulate delay
        balance -= amount;
        console.log(`Withdrawal complete. Remaining balance: $${balance}`);
    } else {
        console.log("Insufficient balance.");

// Simulate two users withdrawing simultaneously

Expected Output (Sequential Execution)

Processing withdrawal of $700
Withdrawal complete. Remaining balance: $300
Processing withdrawal of $500
Insufficient balance.

Actual Output (Race Condition)

Processing withdrawal of $700
Processing withdrawal of $500
Withdrawal complete. Remaining balance: $300
Withdrawal complete. Remaining balance: -$200  ❌ (INVALID)

Here, both operations check the balance before any deduction occurs, leading to an incorrect final balance. This is a classic race condition.

How to Fix Race Conditions in Node.js

1. Use Database Transactions

A robust way to prevent race conditions is by using transactions in databases like PostgreSQL or MongoDB.

Example: Atomic Transaction in MongoDB

import { MongoClient } from "mongodb";

async function withdraw(amount: number) {
    const client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
    const session = client.startSession();

    try {
        const account = await client.db("bank").collection("accounts").findOne({ user: "Alice" }, { session });

        if (account.balance >= amount) {
            await client.db("bank").collection("accounts").updateOne(
                { user: "Alice" },
                { $inc: { balance: -amount } },
                { session }
        } else {
            console.log("Insufficient balance.");

        await session.commitTransaction();
    } catch (error) {
        await session.abortTransaction();
        console.error("Transaction failed:", error);
    } finally {
        await session.endSession();
        await client.close();

A transaction ensures that both reading and writing happen within a single atomic operation, preventing race conditions.

2. Use Locks (Mutex)

A Mutex (Mutual Exclusion) ensures that only one operation can modify a resource at a time.

Example: Implementing Mutex in Node.js

import { Mutex } from 'async-mutex';

const mutex = new Mutex();
let balance = 1000;

async function withdraw(amount: number) {
    const release = await mutex.acquire();
    try {
        if (balance >= amount) {
            console.log(`Processing withdrawal of $${amount}`);
            await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 1000));
            balance -= amount;
            console.log(`Withdrawal complete. Remaining balance: $${balance}`);
        } else {
            console.log("Insufficient balance.");
    } finally {

Here, the mutex.acquire() ensures that only one withdrawal operation runs at a time.

3. Use Atomic Operations

For simple numeric updates, databases like Redis provide atomic operations.

Example: Using Redis INCR/DECR

import Redis from "ioredis";

const redis = new Redis();

async function withdraw(amount: number) {
    const balance = await redis.get("balance");
    if (parseInt(balance) >= amount) {
        await redis.decrby("balance", amount);
        console.log(`Withdrawal successful! New balance: ${await redis.get("balance")}`);
    } else {
        console.log("Insufficient balance.");

Using atomic Redis commands (INCR/DECR) avoids race conditions in distributed systems.


Race conditions are common in multi-threaded and asynchronous applications, including Node.js & TypeScript environments. They occur when multiple operations access the same resource concurrently, leading to data inconsistency and security risks.

Key Takeaways

✅ Race conditions can cause data corruption, system crashes, and security vulnerabilities.
✅ They often occur in asynchronous operations, database transactions, and shared state.
Solutions to prevent race conditions include:

  • Database Transactions (MongoDB, PostgreSQL)
  • Locks (Mutex/Semaphore)
  • Atomic Operations (Redis, SQL)

Understanding and mitigating race conditions is essential for building secure and scalable applications. By implementing proper synchronization mechanisms, developers can avoid unexpected behavior and ensure data consistency in their applications.

Lucky Ardhika

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